Here at Otomec we are specialists into Engineering and Manufacturing of equipment for the cleaning and plating of metallic wire, strip, coil, bar and tube.

Customers are our partners: we satisfy their request with all-round supply of machines, galvanic components, electronic control of the process and environment protection.

High quality product is the result of: perfect cleaning – adherent, uniform, concentric deposition – high galvanic efficiency – low volumes of chemical – low operating costs – safe environmental impact.
Before delivery, all the plants are installed and tested at our facility. Performances are achieved under production condition. Customer’s technicians assisted into a complete training stage.

Our experience into surface treatment is confirmed by the number of plants and technology supplied worldwide to the industry manufacturing: special power and high frequency cable, superconductors, automotive parts, fine pipes, aerospace conductors, welding and staple wires, fasteners and forming parts.
Since more than hundred years in business the Rusconi Family and their OTO Trade Mark represent a reference in the field.